Malaysia Airlines MH17 - Chronology of the Plane Crash

  • vor 5 Jahren
Warning: This movie contains shocking images
Achtung: Film enthält schockierende Bilder
Waarschuwing: deze film bevat schokkende beelden

00:00 - July 17 Shooting down of the plane
00:57 - July 17 The plane crashed into the ground
02:32 - July 17 The place of the crash
05:23 - July 18 SA-11 BUK missile unit
05:52 - July 21 Mourning the victims in the Netherlands
06:54 - July 22 Pro-Russian rebels hand over MH17 black boxes
07:30 - July 22 Speech from the Dutch Foreign Minister F.Timmemans
09:19 - July 23 The victims arrive at the airport Eindhoven (nl)
10:55 - July 23 Convoy with victims drives from Eindhoven to Hilversum

2014/07/17 till 2014/07/23 - Chronology of the Plane Crash. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that crashed. The plane is believed to have been shot down with a Buk surface-to-air missile.

The Boeing 777-200ER airliner went down near Hrabove in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, about 40 km from the Ukraine–Russia border, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board. The crash occurred in the conflict zone of the ongoing Donbass insurgency, in an area controlled by the Donbass People's Militia.

Number of deaths by nationality - Anzahl der Tote nach Nationen - Aantal doden per nationaliteit
According to the official list of the Dutch Government 07/31/2014
Offizielle Liste der Niederländische Regierung von 31.07.2014
Volgens de officiële lijst van de Nederlandse regering van 31.07.2014

196 Netherlands, Niederlande, Nederland
42 Malaysia, Malaysia, Maleisië
27 Australia, Australien, Australië
11 Indonesia, Indonesien,Indonesië
10 United Kingdom, Vereinigtes Königreich, Verenigd Koninkrijk
4 Belgium, Belgien, België
3 Germany, Deutschland, Duitsland
3 Philippines, Philippinen, Filippijnen
1 Canada, Kanada, Canada
1 new Zealand, Neuseeland, Nieuw-Zeeland

