Robots likely to replace 2 million manufacturing jobs by 2030: Report

  • 5 years ago
"2030년까지 제조업 일자리 2천만개 로봇이 대체"

Robots are likely to replace two million manufacturing jobs by 2030.
That's according to a report by UK-based research firm Oxford Economics,... which estimates that each new robot will take the place of an average of 1-point-6 manufacturing jobs.
About 1-point-7 million manufacturing jobs have been displaced by robots since 2000.
The report says the biggest displacements will take place in low-skilled areas and repetitive jobs which could worsen social and economic inequality.
It called for countries to prepare for automation with policies that include better training and welfare programs.
On a brighter note,... the report said automation will increase productivity,... in turn, boosting growth and creating more jobs.
It added that a 30 percent increase in robots installed worldwide,... would boost global GDP by five trillion U.S. dollars.


