5 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Sweat

  • 5 years ago
5 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Sweat We typically think of sweat as, well, gross. But, like it or not, sweating is good for your body. 1. Sweat Keeps Your Core Temp at 98.6°F Perspiring helps minimize the increase of core temp. by evaporating from your skin, taking body heat with it. 2. Being Sweaty Doesn't Mean You Burned More Calories Genetics and how your body responds to the temperature determine how much you sweat. 3. Sweat Doesn't Stop the Minute You Stop Exercising It takes at least a few minutes for your body temperature to begin to come down. 4. Sweat Isn't All Smelly The cooling kind of sweat originates in the eccrine glands, which are mostly odor-free. When you perspire as a response to stress, that sweat mixes with bacteria on the skin and can smell like body odor. 5. Hydration and Perspiration Go Hand in Hand If you're dehydrated, you won't be able to sweat, meaning you'll have a harder time cooling down.
