Full E-book Do You Have a Mers Mortgage? For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
[Read] Countless Americans now face the loss of their home due to the sub-prime meltdown. In this book, Richie Collins outlines the mess the banks created in their quest for quick profits, and how the average homeowner can fight back - and keep their home! Is MERS in your mortgage? If MERS is IN your mortgage then your mortgage may be free and clear and foreclosure proof! The American homeowner doesn't know about the new mortgage securitization industry scheme and how it has split the mortgage from the note, converted these promissory notes into "Bonds," and sold them on Wall Street as MBS's or (mortgage-backed-securities). This action of splitting the mortgage from the note is illegal bifurcation in all 50 states, and because of this you may have a free and clear property. 70 million plus properties have been bifurcated and the chances are high that your home may be affected and you may have a MERS mortgage and not know it. The question for you is; is your home now free and clear because of their illegal actions? Learn the 7 Steps to Find Out if MERS is IN your Mortgage and what to do if MERS is there. For Online
