• 6 years ago
SPEAKERS’ CORNER is, alas, an exceptional place: a venue enshrined in Law making provision for anyone to speak freely on any topic. It is a national treasure in some ways taken for granted.

“Wouldn’t it wonderful," HUE asks. “if there’d be ‘Speakers’ Corners’ all over the world? The Corner is, still, as since It's official enshrinement in an 1892 Act of Parliament ~ it has always been a place to ‘sound-off’; a small corner of one of London’s larger parks …where you can get a thing off your chest: you really can.

On this, as sometimes on other Sundays, I am joined by David Cozens, dressed flamboyantly as a wizard. Which, as a former member of the Royal Engineers and someone who returned from the ‘dead’ following a heart attack… he is! A veritable wizard.

AND young Muslim-debating Christopher gets his chance to be heard up on a platform, as an Orator. How noble a standing!

“Me? I get again on my high horse to direct a critique at the so-called ‘Jewish State’ ~ that thing that calls itself ‘Israel’.

“And… like a clockwork train coming round a circle, as night follows day in a greater orbit ~ sure enough! I am accused of ‘anti-semitism’…”

Would it be rude of me to yawn?

