Najveće Pustinje na Svetu

  • 5 years ago
A desert is an area that receives a significantly small amount of rainfall. There can be either hot deserts or cold deserts. Most deserts are quite barren, as the dry living conditions are too hostile to host most plant and animal life.

It is estimated that about one-third of the land surface of the earth is either arid or semi-arid. Deserts are classified by a number of factors including:

Amount of rain received.
Causes behind desertification.
Prevailing temperatures.
Geographical location.
Animals and plants that live in deserts have special adaptations to help them survive the tough and hostile environment. For many generations, people have occupied desert regions as well. Traditionally, these people have been known as "nomads", a word used to describe desert-dwelling groups of people who move from area to area depending on grazing opportunities and water access.

10. Great Basin Desert - 190,000 Square Miles
The Great Basin Desert is the largest desert in the United States of America. It covers a land surface area of about 190,000 square miles. It is bordered by the Rocky Mountains to the east, the Sierra Nevada range to the west, the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts to the south, and the Columbia Plateau in the north.

The Great Basin Desert is a cold desert with precipitation totalling 7-12 inches per year. Its climate is characterized by extremely hot summers and snowy, cold winters.

9. Syrian Desert - 200,000 Square Miles
The Syrian Desert is unique for being a combination of a true desert and a steppe (a word meaning low grasslands). It is located in the north of the Arabian Peninsula in Syria.

The Syrian Desert occupies about 200,000 square miles of total landmass. The desert is flat, but very rocky. The landscape was formed by lava flows emanating from volcanic activities in the region of Jebel Druze in Syria. The Syrian Desert covers parts of Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

8. Patagonian Desert - 200,000 Square Miles
The Patagonian Desert is the largest desert in the South American nation of Argentina, occupying a land surface area totalling about 200,000 square miles. It is primarily located in Argentina, though it also extends into parts of Chile.

Patagonia is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Andes Mountains to the west. It is a cold winter desert, with temperatures rarely exceeding 12 degrees Celsius. The average temperature is only 3 degrees Celsius. The desert is relatively windy due to the descending mountain air.

7. Great Victoria Desert - 220,000 Square Miles
The Great Victoria Desert is the largest desert in Australia, occupying about 220,000 square miles. It stretches from the Gawler Ranges of South Australia to the Eastern Goldfields region in Western Australia.

Thunderstorms are very common in the Great Victoria Desert, with an average of about 15-20 thunderstorms per year. During winter, temperatures in the Great Victoria fall to around 20 degrees Celsius, while during summer the temperature ran

