How to Use Twitter Account for Affiliate Marketing?

  • 5 years ago
Click on the link below to discover MY number 1 tip to help your affiliate business. What do you think it is?

Hey, today I'm going to talk about how to use Twitter account for affiliate marketing. Twitter has been very successful for me and I actually have 10 different accounts.

If you are wondering how someone can even set up 10 different Twitter accounts and how to manage them.

With my hosting service, I go through Justhost they give me the option to have many email accounts and you need to tie a Twitter account to an email.

The thing with Twitter is you have to Tweet a lot. I Tweet once every 2 hours. Of course I use a tool to help me and the tool I use is called Autotweets. There are other tools out there, but you need something that automates your Tweets because you have to Tweet so much.

It's just like email marketing right, you need an autoresponder. You load up your Tweets and they Tweet them out.

What do you tweet about? I Tweet out blog posts, my YouTube videos, quotes, pictures and of course once every 5 Tweets I'll send out a short promo. The promo is different each time.

This promo invites someone to my website where I can capture their email address.

The million dollar question is how do you get people to follow you on Twitter? Every morning I follow around 40 people in my niche per account. Some of those people will follow me back.

I then will unfollow around 20-30 people per account using a free tool called unfollowspy.

Every day, I check my followers on all my accounts and they usually grow. Sometimes by 20 followers, sometimes by 2 followers and not too often I lose followers.

Another big tip for you if you are going to use Twitter for Affiliate Marketing is make your bio good.

I see all the time that someone says they are an affiliate marketer or they do e commerce in there Bio. Ok, where is there link?

The bio is prime real estate why not stick your website link in there because many people look at your bio.

My bio says I've been doing affiliate marketing for 8 years, is the link below the easiest way to make money online, what do you think? Click on ___.

It invokes curiosity, tells them to what to do and it's the whole reason why I use Twitter.

Another tip for using this tool is to use hashtags. Most people recommend using no more than 2 hashtags per tweet. This is a tip I need to work on myself, because some of my tweets have hashtags and some don't.

Hashtags allow your tweet to get found if someone is searching for them, so why not right?

I hope you took 1 thing away that could help your affiliate business from this video or podcast on How to Use Twitter Account for Affiliate Marketing? If you did then please hit the thumbs up button. It would mean a lot to me.

Lastly, I've been doing affiliate marketing for many years, if you want to know my number 1 tip that can help you grow your business faster and make you more money, click on the link below or go
