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Holy smokes was this an amazing podcast today with Gary Lucas !! We went through his entire history with the amazing Captain Beefheart and how he co-wrote the signature songs on Jeff Buckley’s masterful debut ‘Grace.’ Also his time with Jeff and early NYC days. It went on for 2 and a half hours (the longest ‘Come To Where I’m From’ so far) and honestly we just skimmed the surface of what this man has done in his life. We recorded an incredible instrumental /dobro version of Grace and Mojo Pin (combined) which I filmed on my Instagram live. You can still check that out via my stories. It’s stunning!! Check it out!! And support the pod over at many more exciting episodes to come. Thanks Gary for making it happen and I look forward to writing with you soon my brother!! Rock on!! #podcast #pod #garylucas #josepharthur #cometowhereimfrom
Stream of Download the podcast on: iTunes, Google, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher, Simplecast and Pocket Casts, please rate us and subscribe.
Holy smokes was this an amazing podcast today with Gary Lucas !! We went through his entire history with the amazing Captain Beefheart and how he co-wrote the signature songs on Jeff Buckley’s masterful debut ‘Grace.’ Also his time with Jeff and early NYC days. It went on for 2 and a half hours (the longest ‘Come To Where I’m From’ so far) and honestly we just skimmed the surface of what this man has done in his life. We recorded an incredible instrumental /dobro version of Grace and Mojo Pin (combined) which I filmed on my Instagram live. You can still check that out via my stories. It’s stunning!! Check it out!! And support the pod over at many more exciting episodes to come. Thanks Gary for making it happen and I look forward to writing with you soon my brother!! Rock on!! #podcast #pod #garylucas #josepharthur #cometowhereimfrom