Hanna Turi 【New York in Silence】HD 高清官方歌詞版 MV

  • 5年前
太合音樂 Taihe Music 頻道

#HannaTuri #NewYorkinSilence


In a small house
In the deep woods
I bury my stubborn past

To be untouched
By the high pace
Of the city
Of this hyper mind

Is when I hear New York
New York in silence
Is where I see
The traffic as decoration

I see New york
With everything in place
And the rythm of your breath
takes you home once again

See the pictures, communicating
Behind the sirens, in the fashion stores
And all the colors
And all the man made
In the city
In this hyper mind

Is when I hear New York
New York in silence
Is where I see
The traffic as decoration

I see New york
With everything in place
And the rythm of your breath
takes you home once again

and you got no money left and everything you make
is failing through the speakers ruled by the radio
and when people stuck on names they heard on television
fantisising about themselves at the late night show

when you’re swimming in a pool of insecurities
the patterns of an egocentric society
and your heart is raising in the middle of the night
to catch up with the condenscending mentality

and you got no money left
and everything you make is falling through the speakers ruled by the radio
and when people stuck on names they heard on television
fantasizing about themselves on the screen
they won’t have

time we don’t have time
time to listen, time

Time, we don’t have time
Time to listen, no no no time

Time, we don’t have time
Time to listen, no no no no time

(Is where I hear New york
New York in Silence
New York, New york in Silence)

No no no time
no no time
no no time
no no time..

■ 更多 Hanna Turi 相關資訊:
Hanna Turi 官方網站:https://www.hannaturi.com
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