About For Books On Our Terms: Empowering the New Health Consumer Review

  • 5 years ago
In the United States alone, chronic conditions account for 70 percent of deaths and consume the majority of health-care spending. This trend will only accelerate not because the US health-care system is failing, but rather because it is designed to solve a different problem: to treat acute conditions, not prevent them. The health-care system of the future will need to focus on predicting health issues before they happen, prescribing the right solutions which may not call for health care as we know it today and preventing bad outcomes.On Our Terms: Empowering the New Health Consumer calls for completely rethinking the current approach to our health care. Our only chance to solve the chronic-condition epidemic we are facing requires us to look to the last place we might imagine: the person who is living with chronic disease on a daily basis. The author claims the mindset must change from outside in to inside out. Better outcomes will depend on what health consumers can learn and understand about their own health patterns, and the lifestyle behaviors and conditions that influence them. The kind of change we need sustainable and scalable across populations starts with serving health consumers on their terms and utilizing technology that is capable of empowering them.On Our Terms is the prescription for effectively addressing the chronic-condition epidemic. Written for audiences inside and outside the health-care industry, the book informs readers about the three fundamental actions needed to increase consumer satisfaction with the care they receive, improve clinical outcomes and demonstrate we are improving health, and optimize financial results to allow us to pay for health into the future.
