• 6 years ago
VegeBox Hydroponic Gardens are the latest addition to our range of healthy living products. With the VegeBox Home you can have the full Garden to Plate experience, even if you don’t have a backyard or even a balcony. All you need is nutrient rich water and a power point. The VegeBox Home features 4 planting trays with a combined 28 planting holes. The VegeBox Home indoor garden kit will comfortably fit on your kitchen bench and multiple units can be stacked on top of each other to save space. Fresh, nutritious, herbs, vegetables and microgreens at your fingertips, with no messy waste or throw away plastics.
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#VegeBox #Hydroponicsforbeginners #Viltality4Life #BioChef #Garnish #EasyToGrow #Hydroponics #IndoorGrowing
