• il y a 17 ans
some tricks:
- front nosegrind
- front nosegrind to nollie flip out
- kickflip front boarslide
- bigspin flip boardslide
- kickflip to backside lipslide
- back overcrook
- another kickflip to backside lipslide
- switch flip backside nosebluntslide
- switch flip back overcrook
- switch front blunt to switch tre flip out
- switch front rock to switch blunt to nosegrind to fakie flip out
- switch front rock to switch blunt to nosegrind to fakie tre flip out
- front lip to tre flip front lip
- front lip to front 5-0 to flip out
- switch bigspin flip back
- switch heelflip...
- switch tre flip
- fakie tre flip
- switch varial heel
- fakie tre flip
- fakie double flip
- switch varial double heelflip
- switch front blunt to switch tre flip out
- switch front nosegrind to fakie tre flip out
- flip nosewheeling to nollie flip out
- manual tre flip
- back nosegrind to nollie varial flip out
- back nosegrind to nollie shove it out
- kickflip backside anti- feeble grind
- kickflip to backside overcrook to fakie
- back crook to nollie flip out

