• 6 years ago
Make A DIY Concrete Vase For A Natural Touch
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You'll Need:

- a plastic bottle with a large opening
- 25 oz craft cement
- a funnel
- 4 fl oz water
- vegetable oil
- a vitamin tablet tube
- Scotch tape
- paint
- paintbrush

Here's How:

1. Use the funnel to fill the bottle with the craft cement and add the water. Close the lid and shake the bottle and its contents thoroughly.

2. Next, cover the tablet tube with vegetable oil to stop it becoming stuck, and place it in the cement-filled bottle.

3. Fix the tube inside the bottle using tape and pat the air out out of the cement. Then leave it all to dry for 24 hours.

4. Take off the Scotch tape and remove the plastic from the cement. The best way to do this is to cut the bottle carefully with a knife.

5. Next, pull the tablet tube out and lay it to one side — you'll need it again shortly.

6. Decorate your concrete vase by painting it however you like.

7. Cut the tablet tube into two pieces and insert the bottom piece back in the vase, with the opening facing upwards.

8. With that, your vase is complete! You can use it as a flower vase by filling the tablet tube with water and placing a few flowers inside. Without water, the vase also makes an excellent candle holder!
