• 6 years ago
3 Fun DIY Arts & Crafts Projects For Kids

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Small children don't just use their hands to investigate a new toy — the plaything also ends up in their mouths more often than not! In recent times, many parents have become increasingly concerned by this habit, because they suspect the toy may contain harmful chemicals. But you needn't worry with the following 3 ideas for making your own chalk, paint and playdough — all are completely safe and will take your kids' creativity to a whole new level.

1. Natural Non-Toxic Playdough

You'll Need:

- 8 fl oz water
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- food coloring
- 16 oz flour
- 12 oz salt
- flour to sprinkle onto the worktop
- resealable plastic bags

Here's How:

1.1 For each playdough color you want, mix the water and vegetable oil with several drops of food coloring.

1.2 Next, mix the flour with the salt. Stir 4 tbsp of the mixture into each bowl of food coloring.

1.3 Sprinkle some flour onto your worktop and mold the dough with your hands until it is malleable. Your kids can then start playing with it right away.

1.4 For storing, keep your DIY playdough in the fridge. To do so, pack it away in a resealable plastic bag and press out all of the air.

2. Edible Paint

You'll Need:

- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup water
- food coloring

Here's How:

2.1 Mix the flour and water together.

2.2 Separate the mixture into several ramekins; the number depends on how many colors you want to create.

2.3 Now stir a few drops of food coloring into each ramekin. When your child plays with this edible paint, you needn't worry about any potentially harm if they put it in their mouth.

3. DIY Chalk

You'll Need:

- pen
- paper
- tape
- 3 tbsp plaster
- 3 fl oz water
- food coloring
- funnel

Here's How:

3.1 Use a pen to roll up a piece of paper.

3.2 At one end, fold the paper together.

3.3 Use tape to fix the roll of paper in place. Remove the pen. Each roll of paper you make will be a piece of chalk later.

3.4 Stir a few drops of food coloring into the water and mix everything with the plaster.

3.5 Use a funnel to pour the mixture into the roll of paper. Repeat the last two steps until you have all the colors you want.

3.6 Leave the chalk to dry for at least 36 hours. Remove the paper and then you're done!

As you can see, making your own chalk, paint or playdough really isn't that difficult and saves you a bundle too. Have fun!
