0:03 隣人の騒音。
0:27 ヘリの騒音。
0:41 いつものガス会社の車。
0:44 その車再び通過。音がうるさい。
0:52 隣人の騒音。
1:08 ガス会社の車。
0:03 The noise of my neighbor sounded.
0:27 The noise of a helicopter sounded.
0:41 The gas company car passed.
0:44 The car passed again and sounded loud.
0:52 The noise of the neighbor sounded.
1:08 The gas company car passed by my house.
0:27 ヘリの騒音。
0:41 いつものガス会社の車。
0:44 その車再び通過。音がうるさい。
0:52 隣人の騒音。
1:08 ガス会社の車。
0:03 The noise of my neighbor sounded.
0:27 The noise of a helicopter sounded.
0:41 The gas company car passed.
0:44 The car passed again and sounded loud.
0:52 The noise of the neighbor sounded.
1:08 The gas company car passed by my house.