Japan to press ahead with plans to remove S. Korea from trade "whitelist": Suga

  • 5 years ago
Japan has reiterated it remains committed to removing South Korea from its "white list" of trading countries.
While Japanese media forecasts Abe's Cabinet will green light the measure on Friday,... one party has warned the Abe government to rethink its plan.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
Japan plans to push forward with its plan to remove South Korea from its "whitelist" of countries that enjoy preferential treatment in trade.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday that such a measure is necessary for Tokyo's security.

"The relationship between Japan and South Korea has been extremely difficult due to the numerous negative actions by South Korea. There is no change to our stance that we would urge South Korea to take constructive actions based on our consistent stance towards many issues."

The comments came just hours after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he plans to sit down with the foreign ministers of Seoul and Tokyo on the sidelines of ASEAN meetings in Bangkok.
But, Japan's Kyodo News Agency reports Tokyo will not embrace Washington's mediation,... adding Japan will continue to deliver its consistent stance to the U.S.
Japanese Trade Minister Hiroshige Seko also stressed Tokyo will press ahead with the export curbs.
Japanese media forecast the Cabinet will approve the measure on Friday,... enabling it to come into force later this month.
Meanwhile,... the Japanese Communist Party has urged the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to halt the Seoul's exclusion from Tokyo's "whitelist."
In a written opinion to the Japanese government,... the party said it was concerned such a move would seriously damage bilateral relations.
It also stressed the two countries need to resolve such tensions through diplomacy.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.


