抖音每日热门视频 #20190731 Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos

  • 5年前
香港暴力游行队伍当中出现了不少美国人的面孔,美国欠世界一个交代@抖音小助手(There are many American faces in the violent parade in Hong Kong. The United States owes a confession to the world.) - 光明日报

一个敢设计,一个敢建,你…敢走吗?#黄腾峡玻璃悬廊(One dares to design, one dares to build, you... dare to go? #黄腾峡玻璃挂廊) - 木子爷

#剪短发 老公一直想让我剪短发,现在实现了,发给他看,他说这是他小舅子 #看我的发型清新有型(#剪短发 The husband always wanted me to cut short hair, now it is realized, send it to him, he said that this is his little nephew #看我的发新新型) - 大晴子

“无臂爸爸”王刚:孩子,爸爸没有双手,依然可以抱你长大!("No Arms Dad" Wang Gang: Children, Dad has no hands, can still hold you up!) - 央视新闻

他来了 他来了...他抱着娃娃又来了...爸爸哄娃,只有一句话:咋们去看看妈妈在干嘛?#全国统一(He is coming. He is coming... He is coming back with his doll... Dad, baby, there is only one sentence: Let’s go see what the mother is doing? #National unity) - 华洋贸易

从小到大从来没剪过短发,看了特效之后觉得可以去剪一个了。 - 黄鹂

安静下来向自然中走来(Quiet and come to nature) - 肖景志

打开的那一瞬间我相信你心动了。 - 王翼

#哪吒之魔童降世# 制作期真的很缺钱,请不起动作指导,导演只能亲自上阵!(#哪吒之魔童降世# The production period is really short of money, please don't give me the action guidance, the director can only go in person!) - 猫眼电影

抖音的小伙伴们,大家好!#乒乓球#张继科 @抖音小助手 - 张继科

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