• 6 years ago
Joy can take many forms: extrovert and more contained and subdued. I leave it to my viewer to guess what kind this one is!
Small update of one of the lines, plus slight move of the texting so the viewer can pick up the lines a little bit before they are sung: -makes it easier to sing along if you want to.
Track 12 of "Du har Talt", CD made in 1998 by Kristent Felleskap, Bergen Norway.
This song is sung in samba-rythm at a fast pace. The English rendering is intended to fit the melody and rhythm as far as possible. The exact meaning of a song text has to met through the overall result, not the line for line meaning.
Text and Melody: Kersti H. Ørnhaug
Translation: Richard Mure Exelby, 1998 & revision 2014
used by kind permission


