Things I can’t do here but totally ok in Taiwan

  • 5 years ago
Sometime ago I began to accept the fact that the “sweetness” I’m used to back home is probably going to creep out most people here. It was sad in the beginning because I find westerners lacking in this department. But slowly I am changing. Im not sure if it’s for the better though.

I mean the teasing tone and flirty body language may be ok a bit. But. It to mention the 哇哇聲 which is basically speaking in a child’s tone (I didn’t do it here to not scare everyone) - I admit I do that when I talk to kids.

Anyway my point is : it could be hard to tone it down all for the sake of making people around you accept you without being misunderstood. Sometimes it feels good to be just my giggly myself but I don’t want to make people think that I live in a cotton candy land! #cultureshock aftermaths