Stephen Biegun considered as U.S. ambassador to Moscow

  • 5 years ago
Washington's current special representative for North Korea could be the next U.S. ambassador to Moscow.
According to CNN, White House officials said the top office is considering Stephen Biegun as a replacement for the outgoing ambassador John Huntsman.
Trade ties with Russia is an area President Donald Trump wants to focus on, and Biegun would be a good fit for the challenging diplomatic post.
He served as the executive secretary for the National Security Council under President George W. Bush, has a bachelor's degree in Russian language, and has served as in-country director for the International Republican Institute in Moscow, and on the board of the nonprofit U.S.-Russia Foundation.
Biegun did not reply when CNN asked if he would be interested in the job, but a source close to him believes he would be, since diplomacy has been moving slowly with North Korea.