Fashion firms apologize for saying truth about Taiwan and H.K.

  • 5 years ago
BOO HOO BEIJING — A number of global fashion brands have had to put out lame apologies for apparently implying that independent Taiwan and protesting Hong Kong are separate from China.
When you mix Chinese netizens with reality, you get the hurt feelings of the Chinese people.
According to the Guardian, Coach and Givenchy luxury brands, Asics, Calvin Klein and Fresh beauty brand have all had to issue apologies to China because Taiwan and Hong Kong were not part of China on company websites and on T-shirts.
As massive anti-Beijing protests rage in Hong Kong, Chinese netizens with too much time on their hands have taken to crying about companies that don't support the fairytale one-China principle.
The Guardian reports that as protests shut down the Hong Kong airport on Monday, a blogger posted a 2018 Coach T-shirt that listed Taiwan and Hong Kong as separate countries.
This caused Chinese people to rage over Twitter knockoff Weibo on Coach, which then caused Coach to issue a boring apology.
Givenchy and Asics also issued statements so Chinese people could feel better about themselves.
The funny thing is...Chinese consumers will still continue to spend their money on foreign brands despite their supposed outrage, because what's the alternative? High end Chinese brands!?
Well there's always knockoffs. If only they had those in China.


