[Read] Spanish Word Games For Dummies: How to Make Training Work in Any Situation and for Any

  • 5 years ago
Paperback. Pub Date: 2006 Pages: 200 Publisher: John Wiley Training Expert Mel Silberman is the Father of the Popular and Effective Active Training Method In his landmark textbook Active Training he IDENTIFIED the specific characteristics of the active Training Method that results in deeper learning and improved retention. Now. Training the Active Training Way takes the next step by distilling the active training method into eight core strategies that trainers can use to craft interactive and engaging training. even for the most challenging training assignments such as technical skills training. and information-rich (and often dull) content.Contents: Acknowledgments. Introduction. STRATEGY 1: ENGAGE YOUR PARTICIPANTS FROM THE START. Tip 1: Give Participants Something to Do Before the Session Formally Begins. Tip 2: Structure the Initial Social Interactions Among Participants...