Expert's take on S. Korea's withdrawal from intel-sharing pact with Japan - Henry Sokolski

  • 5 years ago
Let’s get some perspective from a U.S.-based expert on Seoul's G-SO-MIA withdrawal decision.
Joining us on Skype is Henry (SO-COLL-SKI) Sokolski, Executive Director of The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center - a think tank based in Virginia.
Henry, I have to say I'm not surprised by much these days, but I was genuinely shocked to hear this news yesterday. As someone with years of experience on Northeast Asia issues, what’s your reaction to South Korea’s move? And do you agree with the reason given - that is wasn’t in South Korea’s national interest to maintain the agreement?
How badly will this move handicap trilateral coordination and cooperation between the U.S., South Korea and Japan in dealing with the continued nuclear and missile threats posed by North Korea? Let's not forget the regime has fired off several short-range missiles over the past few weeks alone...
The Trump administration has maintained a hands-off approach to this problem between its two closest allies so far, do you think Washington HAS to step up to the plate now to stop China capitalizing on this enormous wedge that has opened up between Seoul and Tokyo?
Well, we'll see how this unfolds, but it's certainly an extremely serious situation with as-yet unknown implications not only for South Korea, but for the whole region. Henry, we appreciate your insights.... and thanks for sharing them with us.


