S. Korean expert's take on Seoul's withdrawal from intel-sharing pact with Japan - Kim Hyun-wook

Arirang News

: Arirang News

3 조회
We're going to get some expert analysis on Seoul's decision to withdraw from its military intelligence-sharing pact with Tokyo.
As a result of the decision, the pact will now officially end in November.
We have Professor Kim Hyun-wook from the Seoul-based Korea National Diplomatic Academy on the line for his thoughts.
Professor Kim, now we've had slightly over twelve hours to digest this announcement, do you think it was reasonable response to Japan's trade pressure on Seoul... or an ill-advised mistake by the Moon Jae-in government?
There's no doubt this decision going to affect South Korea's national security, some analysts are calling it highly irresponsible, even malpractice. What does Seoul forfeit by leaving G-SO-MIA... AND which country loses out most... or is it just a lose-lose situation for South Korea AND Japan?
This spat escalated quickly from court rulings on historical issues,... to trade... and now to security. How do you see this playing out, especially given the complete lack of trust between the two sides. Is there any way back or is it going to continue to spiral out of control?
Professor Kim, thanks for making time in your busy schedule to answer our questions. We'll just have to see how this play out, but for now, it isn't looking good at all.