Q8 Is The Duct System Rodent Proof

  • 5 years ago
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00:00 [Music]
00:09 welcome back another very frequently
00:12 asked question that we get when talking
00:14 about indoor air quality is is the new
00:17 duct system rodent proof in that'll it
00:21 becomes just a real in-depth
00:24 conversation because we need to make
00:26 sure that the rodents can't get under
00:28 your house in the first place and if we
00:30 can eliminate that problem then
00:31 obviously it's going to be rodent proof
00:33 most new ductwork if a rodent gets under
00:36 the house is not going to be rodent
00:39 proof some of it has rodent resistant
00:41 stuff built into it to where if a rodent
00:43 starts chewing on it it makes it really
00:44 hard to open up a hole but if you get a
00:47 larger critter underneath your house
00:48 like a possum or a skunk or squirrel
00:50 raccoons things like that they
00:53 potentially can tear your duct system
00:55 apart so when getting a new duct system
00:57 you really want to make sure that you're
00:59 not just replacing ductwork that was
01:01 destroyed by rodents without taking care
01:03 of the root of the problem which would
01:04 be why are the rodents coming in the
01:06 house where are they coming into the
01:08 house and sealing all that up cleaning
01:10 up the crawlspace and then getting your
01:11 new ductwork in there another really
01:14 important factor that is quite
01:15 frequently missed is to make sure that
01:17 the ductwork is sealed as airtight as
01:19 possible so that we're not introducing
01:21 the smell of food to underneath your
01:23 home this will also help keep rodents
01:26 from underneath your home in the future
01:27 see you on the next video
01:30 [Music]
