The History of Labor Day

  • 5 years ago
The History of Labor Day.
Although in dispute, the creation
of Labor Day is generally attributed
to machinist Matthew Maguire of
Local 344 in Patterson, NJ.
Maguire is though to have
come up with the idea as
secretary of the Central
Labor Union in New York.
Other records show the day was
suggested by carpenter Peter McGuire, to
honor those "who from rude nature have delved
and carved all the grandeur we behold.".
Regardless of who created it,
the day is "dedicated to the social
and economic achievements
of American workers.".
The first Labor Day holiday
was celebrated on Tuesday,
September 5, 1885 in New York City.
By 1894 President Grover Cleveland
signed the law making the first Monday
in September a national holiday.
Early Labor Day street parades were
intended to exhibit "the strength and
esprit de corps of the trade and labor
organizations" of particular communities.
Today, Labor Day offers
Americans an extended weekend
with events that continue
to be tied to community.
Labor Day 2019 — September 2, 2019 —
marks the 125th anniversary of the holiday


