Lost land titles a challenge in Yolanda rehab

  • 5 years ago
MANILA - Lost land titles could be a major headache for urban planners and government agencies involved in the rehabilitation of areas devastated by super typhoon "Yolanda." In a press briefing, rehabilitation czar Panfilo Lacson said all land titles were destroyed in Tacloban in the storm surge brought by the typhoon. He said the lost land titles could hinder reconstruction efforts in the city and become an opportunity for land grabbers. "Kung walang titles ng lupa at wala na ang mohon, how will you establish ownership of land there? What I did was I went to the head of the [Land Registration Authority] and asked about the computerization. I know that will be the biggest challenge. How can you restore houses and government buildings if you don't know the owners of the land," he said. ANC, December 2, 2013
