Justice Minister-nominee Cho Kuk holds rare presser after cancellation of confirmation hearing

  • 5 years ago
조국 “큰 실망 드렸다…법무부 장관 해야 할 소명 있다, 사법개혁 기회 달라”

The two-day confirmation hearing scheduled Monday for Justice Minister-nominee Cho Kuk... has been cancelled due to bipartisan disagreement in the panel selection process.
Nominee Cho held a press conference at the National Assembly instead,... to address numerous allegations surrounding him and his family.
Speaking at the impromptu press briefing, Cho apologized and vowed to provide a full explanation,... and said that he still hopes to fulfill his duty.
"I apologize to the public for disappointing them. But I have been appointed by the President for the Justice Minister post, possibly because of my past experiences with social reform. If given the chance, I believe that I have to answer that call despite my limitations. I ask the public to provide me with that opportunity."
Rival parties are still at odds over Cho's qualifications,... given the college admissions scandal surrounding his daughter,... as well as suspicions regarding an investment he made in a private equity fund.
Conservative parties strongly condemned Cho and the ruling bloc, criticizing their decision to hold the press conference at the National Assembly, calling it an insult to parliament and the public.