• 6 years ago
There are an average of 20 veterans who commit suicide. On average, there are 123 suicides per day. One is too many. In the book of Job we find that the devil needed permission from God to destroy his family, livestock and belongings. As God had placed a hedge round about him. And the devil received permission he simply went in and did his deeds of destruction. However, whenever the demons are not allowed to kill you, sometimes they place that thought in your mind. They want you to do what they are not allowed to, but make as though you thought such ideas. The resulting action of self murder will land in hell, and forever in the torments. The demons hate mankind made in God's image so all their desire is to see our deaths. Don't be deceived by the devil. As God has a way out of every trap of the devil. But the truth is that Jesus made a way that nobody can stop, and you can have salvation, help and divine assistance in your time of need if simply call His name, and obey His word. Starting with Acts 2:38.
