Powell: U.S. economy will continue to see moderate growth

  • 5 years ago
美연준 의장 "경기침체 예상하지 않는다"…무역갈등엔 우려

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the most likely outlook for the U.S. and global economy is continued moderate growth and that the Fed will act "appropriately" to sustain that trend.
Powell reaffirmed his previous stance on the U.S. economy on Friday during a Q&A session in Zurich, Switzerland.
While dismissing any possibility of recession, Powell said the country will continue to "act as appropriate" to manage significant risks stemming from global trade tensions and will boost investor confidence.
With the remarks coming ahead of the Fed's policy meeting on September 17th and 18th, there is growing speculation over a possible further quarter percentage-point cut in interest rates.