You don't need to join the Army to enjoy the many benefits of doing a proper push-up. A basic push up is an effective way to strengthen the chest and arm muscles and can be easily scaled as you get stronger. Simple push-ups require no equipment other than your own bodyweight and your arms, and they can be done anywhere there is a firm surface with enough space for you to stretch out flat in.ദീർഘായുസ്സ് ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നോ? എങ്കിൽ പേശികളുടെ കരുത്തുകൂട്ടുന്ന വ്യായാമമുറകൾ പരീക്ഷിക്കാമെന്ന് ഗവേഷകർ.