• 6 years ago
WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA — After receiving a $70 dollar bill for some pay-per-view blue, 58-year-old Thomas Barnes said his Bichon Frise, Marino, was to blame.

According to Mr. Barnes, his dog accidentally jumped up onto his bed and stepped on the remote.

Marino the dog had ordered pay-per-view from Hustler.

Indignant Barnes told North Carolina's The News Observer, that he called the satellite TV company "within minutes", explaining the mishap and received assurances that all would be taken care of.

However, to his alarm, access to the channel stayed on, so he called up again and received the very same promise, it would be taken care of.

Unfortunately, when his bill came, they charged him anyway for the pay-per-view. So, Barnes paid his cable bill, minus the Hustler channel charge, but as a result, had his service cut off.

Disabled Mr. Barnes, who depends on Social Security disability payments, said that charging $70 dollars was like taking food out of his mouth.

After filing a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, he got a call from DirectTV saying they would put credit on his next bill.

However, Mr. Barnes still feels he is hard done by, saying, "there's a problem when there's a mistake and you expect me to pay for the mistake."


