Cheap Houses: How I Find Buy Inexpensive Real Estate Complete

  • 5 years ago
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This book lays out the exact methods I have used to buy cheap houses with cash. This ebook cuts out all the BS seen in larger books and gets right to the point. By telling you the story of multiple real estate purchases I have made you will be able to put these practices to use to find properties in your area and close deals. If you want to know how to find and buy houses at rock bottom prices, this book is a good place to start.To make sure you do not waste your money, let me tell you more about to expect. I am a normal, average guy that has purchased all but one house with cash, spending as little as $5,000 and no more than $15,000. My most expensive house was purchased through owner financing. I prefer to buy cheap and use cash so that I do not go into debt. My first house cost $5,000. When I started the process, I only had about $1,000 but I sold some junk and came up with the rest of the money. I originally got into real estate investing because I wanted rental property. While that is still part of my investing, I ve moved into buying and selling as well. Another aspect that I recently dipped my toes into is wholesaling, just completing my first deal. My long-term goal is to buy, renovate and sell houses for big profit and wholesale houses due to its low cost and fast turnover. Along the way, I will keep houses if they are great for rentals. If this sounds like you or something you want to work towards, that is the perspective that these books will be written from. Most of my books are short and to the point, I do this because I myself am not a huge reader due to time so I don t want to put you all through having to read a novel just to get some simple points. What it comes down to is that most things are easier than people think. I hope in telling my own story that you are able to push forward and make your first steps into real estate investing a reality. I ll be writing more on topics like this in the future, be sure to follow my Youtube channels, website and other social media for updates. "The Homestead Craftsman" & "Homemade Home" on Youtube. My website- If you have any questions before buying the book, let me know. Thanks.
