• 6 years ago
This guy, while doing a nature walk/program with a class of younger students, came across a green frog couple. They were laying and fertilizing eggs through the process of external fertilization in a marsh. The female released her eggs from her body into the water, and, the male fertilized these eggs. He also demonstrated how these amphibians were territorial about their spaces. After that, he came across a dragonfly that was shedding its skin and emerging from the larval form. The insect was metamorphosing into a dragonfly by crawling out of the water up the stem of a plant. The nymph shed its skin onto the stem of the plant, and, turned into a young dragonfly. The skin that the nymph left behind was stuck to the stem for a long time after the dragonfly left it.
00:00So, finally got ourselves a thunderstorm here. I've been waiting two weeks for this
00:05thing. Every day they've been promising a thunderstorm. Anyways, Chris Agnato here.
00:11Thanks for stopping by. So I've got a quick video here of two frogs laying
00:17eggs and fertilizing them and a dragonfly molting out of its larval form and
00:24getting its wings. So I hope you guys enjoy the video and check it out.
00:28Can you guys see this frog right in front of me? Yeah. What's it doing? Laying eggs. Right.
00:37Now, right now there's gonna be about 20,000 eggs coming out of this frog and
00:45they're gonna soak up all the water and become about the whole mass of eggs will
00:49be about the size of your chest. Could this frog, this girl, fit all those eggs
00:55in her then? So that's a girl and that's the boy.
01:03Those are all her eggs. She is a green frog. The girl's underneath. This is the
01:10boy. I don't know if I want to get too into that. And the eggs are gonna soak up
01:20all this water. Well, not all this water, but they're gonna soak up a lot of
01:24water. They're gonna take up a lot of space. Now she's done. See this bullfrog's
01:29coming over? Why do you think this bullfrog's coming over? Well, sometimes it
01:36does like their eggs. That's not cool, right? That's not fair. But it's coming
01:41over because it saw them leave and he's like, this is my spot, right? This is
01:45territorial. He might fight with them if they don't leave because that frog loves
01:49to be under this tree here. No, don't catch any of the, right, you're not gonna
01:54catch any of the eggs or anything or the frog.
