Reacting to the Kokrajhar Incident on Saturday, Superintendent of Police, Rajen Singh while countering the incident before the media stated that the fight incident which went viral few days back doesn't have any connection with their respective posts.
"Both of us were hotel mates at Rajanikanta Bordoloi Hostel during our graduation days at Cotton College and the fight doesn't have any connection to our respective posts, said SP Kokrajhar.
SP Kokrajhar also mentioned that he doesn't hold any grudge upon the executive magistrate Sailen Das.
The matter is under investigation, therefore SP Kokrajhar refused to comment on it further.
"Both of us were hotel mates at Rajanikanta Bordoloi Hostel during our graduation days at Cotton College and the fight doesn't have any connection to our respective posts, said SP Kokrajhar.
SP Kokrajhar also mentioned that he doesn't hold any grudge upon the executive magistrate Sailen Das.
The matter is under investigation, therefore SP Kokrajhar refused to comment on it further.