Seoul 'reviewing' forming joint border committee with N. Korea to turn DMZ into peace zone

  • 5 years ago
정부, 北과 '접경지역 공동위원회' 운영 검토... 의제·구성은 北과 협의 후에

As a follow-up to President Moon's proposal, Seoul's unification ministry announced that its considering forming a joint committee with North Korea on carrying out relevant projects at the DMZ.
Oh Jung-hee has the latest.
South Korea's unification ministry announced on Wednesday... that Seoul is reviewing running a joint committee with North Korea... to turn the inter-Korean Demilitarized Zone into a peace zone.
"The Ministry of Unification is currently leading efforts to review and devise a comprehensive plan to peacefully use the DMZ. We will be working with related experts and government ministries."
The plan of forming a joint inter-Korean committee is still on the drawing board as the government is (quote)"considering" the option.
This means that the creation of the committee will depend on how inter-Korean relations go, and details such as which government bodies from Seoul and Pyeongyang would take part in it have not been decided yet.
The action plans that President Moon laid out at his UN speech are listing the DMZ as a UNESCO World Heritage site, designating a (quote)"peace cooperation district" between the border village of Panmunjeom and the North Korean city of Gaeseong, stationing UN agencies within the DMZ, and working with the UN to remove landmines in the area.
The idea of transforming the DMZ into a peace zone was floated when President Moon and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met for the first time in April last year.
It was once again brought up in September when the two Koreas signed a comprehensive military agreement to lower tensions at the DMZ.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.


