Working with Hauseit - A Real Estate Attorney's Perspective

  • 5 years ago
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My name is John Moss. The firm is Moss & Moss LLP. My practice area is primarily real estate and corporate counsel work. I've worked with Hauseit since 2014. We've had some wonderful clients, and my experience has been exemplary.

The brokers that I have been introduced to through Hauseit and Hauseit’s partners have been exemplary. They’re brokers that actually care about the transaction. They're knowledgeable, they're responsive. Our firm has worked with brokers over the years. In my practice, I’ve certainly worked with dozens maybe even hundreds of brokers.

The Hauseit brokers are literally second to none. I am so impressed with the quality of the brokers. I can't speak highly enough of the brokers and the training they receive. The Hauseit brokers are consistently of excellent caliber, they're knowledgeable, they're also willing to learn.

They care about their clients in a way that that a lot of brokers don't. The questions that I get from the Hauseit brokers about the transactions are not “When am I getting paid?” it's “How can I make the client happy?” and that's really what matters.

The communication with Hauseit partner brokers has been excellent. I find that they are interested in the transactions. I find that they are helpful. They perceive their job to be making sure that the transaction there's along smoothly, that the clients are satisfied, and that I have the information that I need.

The questions that I don't get from them unlike some other brokers are “Why aren’t we closing yet?” and that's an important thing. When I've got brokers that I'm working with who are more concerned about themselves than they are about the client or the transaction, the questions that I get asked are pushy.When I get a call from one of the Hauseit brokers, I find that they're asking important questions or ensuring that important things are happening and I take them seriously.

I’ve found that Hauseit an incredible resource in particular for clients who are in more difficult financial situation where paying a full 6% commission is more difficult, is more of an imposition. Hauseit is a resource that is excellent for those situations. I find that clients really appreciate the use of the services and the freedoms it provides. It fills a niche that is otherwise unserved in the marketplace and I'm grateful that it exists. The feedback that I've gotten from the clients has been excellent.

I’ve found in my practice that there are some clients that are resistant to the traditional brokerage model. Whether it's the 6% or it's some other aspect of the transaction, that they don't want to lose control of certain aspects.

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