Being A Parent Can Be So Entertaining

  • 5 years ago
Ah...parenting, it's one of the hardest jobs out there. Sometimes you've got to find creative ways to spice up your daily routine — like this Dad who's picking up his kids from the bus stop dressed as a giant rainbow unicorn. This is just awesome. 

via CCxRC

Next up, we've got Stephanie asking her daughter Payton what she wants to be when she grows up. Her response may not be what you'd expect, but this girl isn't letting anything stop her from living the life she wants. You go, Payton!

Last but not least, little Sailor is under the impression that if his mom Candice skips her birthday this year, he can have another one. We're totally on board with Sailor's logic, and we're all now officially staying young forever. This little guy is more than just a cute face, he's brilliant!
