[Read] The Future is Calling: It Wants a Refund: The Center for Fiscal Equity Complete

  • 5 years ago
This is an update of my earlier book, Musings from the Christian Left, which was originally published in 2004 to a small audience and republished in 2018. This edition is part of a three book set entitled The Future is Calling. It divides the prior version into smaller volumes: It Wants a New God, It Wants a Refund, and It Wants Your Stuff. Sometimes with book titles less is more. The original 2004 edition is again available for a more comprehensive reading. While they target different audiences, I have no objection to anyone buying all four. Chapter 1 is an Executive Summary.Chapter 2 includes election and campaign finance reform; appointing better bureaucrats; civil service reform; and regional government with seven regions of about 71 electoral votes each.Chapter 3 covers budget and appropriations reform (realistic caps and automatic appropriations if Congress does not finish in time); a bottom line in government (comparing administrative cost), and regional defense spending.Chapter 4 analyzes the Tax and Job Cuts Act (not a typo); describes our tax reform plan and state and local finance. Our Tax plan includes a receipt visible invoice value added tax (I-VAT); a carbon VAT; a net business receipts/subtraction VAT; and an asset VAT which cancels credits at death (and removes the death tax) or stock option exercise unless sold to a broad based ESOP. The income tax can be automatically filed or replaced with a three tier S-VAT (25%, 40% and 70%).Chapter 5 is about Healthcare Reform from malpractice to medical lines of credit to single payer catastrophic to Medicare for All.Chapter 6 addresses senior health care, including federalizing senior Medicaid, and the real causes of the Social Security crisis and the cure (more babies).Chapter 7 is how to Free DC, from a referendum to expel Congress, to finances and government, to getting a vote on voting rights, statehood or retrocession with revised language to H.R. 51 to cover the last two options.Chapter 8 discusses how fiscal policy affects economic growth by regressions using the financial margin (deficit/surplus + net interest as a percentage of GDP) correlated with economic growth in the next year to allow for multiplier effects.Chapter 9 examines who gets to pay back the debt and how much each income strata owes. (its not so good to be born rich after all).
