In a major breakthrough, Biswanath police on Thursday busted a fake SEBA mark sheet and pass certificate racket in the town on Thursday.
Prime Accused Nirmal Gowala of Balipukhuri area in Biswanath District was arrested in connection to the matter, informed Superintendent of Police, Rakesh Raushan.
It is also suspected that there might be few more culprits involved in the racket and Biswanath police conducting a thorough investigation into the matter, SP Raushan stated further.
Prime Accused Nirmal Gowala of Balipukhuri area in Biswanath District was arrested in connection to the matter, informed Superintendent of Police, Rakesh Raushan.
It is also suspected that there might be few more culprits involved in the racket and Biswanath police conducting a thorough investigation into the matter, SP Raushan stated further.