55% of Americans support impeachment inquiry into Trump: CBS News poll

  • 5 years ago
A new poll in the U.S. suggests a majority of Americans do want to see the impeachment inquiry into President Trump move ahead.
Still, he has enough support in Congress to make it very unlikely he'll be removed from office.
Our Choi Si-young has this story.
According to a CBS News poll released on Sunday, 55 percent of Americans think the recently-announced impeachment inquiry into President Trump is necessary.
Last Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the inquiry would start, claiming Trump had violated the Constitution through his contacts with Ukraine.
An anonymous whistleblower claims President Trump pressured Ukraine's new president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden his potential 2020 political rival and his son Hunter at a time when Ukraine was desperate for military aid from Washington.
A separate whistleblower alleges President Trump abused his power "to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.
President Trump continues to deny doing anything improper, but the transcript of the phone call the inquiry is based on, which was released by the White House, shows President Trump did press the Ukrainian leader on the corruption allegations against the Biden's.
Last Friday, the three House committees Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight also subpoenaed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to turn over documents relating to the administration's dealings with Kiev.
If the House votes in favor of impeachment, a two-thirds majority of the Senate is required to convict and remove a president from office, which has never happened in U.S. history.
Most watchers say it remains highly unlikely the Republican-controlled Senate would vote to remove President Trump from office.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.