Old Man Logan #69 - Comic Review - Shazap.com

  • 16 years ago
Welcome back zappers, Im Devin Curry with http://Shazap.com. Your online video source for comic book news and reviews. Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/devincurry. I’ve loved this book so far, Mark Millar has done an amazing job of creating this future world and building the mystery of how it came to be. The anticipation was getting to me and I was getting sick of the hints and suggestions at what had happened to Logan to bring him to the place he is today. This issue is admittedly slow. There is a lul in both action and story. I had almost lost hope until the last three pages. This issue is just one big cliff hanger. Wolverine almost snaps and finally breaks down and gets ready to tell Hawkeye what he went through when the bad guys won. Now it will be a big mistake if Marvel continues to drag this on. They have teased us enough and at the end of the day this is just and basic what if or else world story so there is not much reason to stick with it other than the story itself. If the story isn’t paying off then there is no reason to keep reading. We’ll have to wait and wait and see what is to come but I remain optimistic. Distributed by Tubemogul.