Steve Irwin's Family Opens Elephant Hospital in His Honor

Steve Irwin's Family Opens
Elephant Hospital in His Honor.
Since his tragic death more than
13 years ago, Steve Irwin’s family has
worked to carry on his conservation efforts.
His wife, Terri Irwin, recently revealed that
the family has officially finished work on
fulfilling one of Steve’s greatest dreams. .
We just — just — finished one of his greatest
goals which was to open an elephant hospital in
Indonesia … In Sumatra, when elephants step on
a landmine or they get caught in a snare there was
no hospital to treat them, and we now have just
opened an elephant hospital, so it's pretty special, Terri Irwin, via Buzzfeed News.
The Australia Zoo in Queensland reportedly
helped construct and provide staff for
the Sumatra elephant hospital.
Steve dreamed of opening an elephant
hospital after witnessing first-hand the
issues they were facing in the wild, Australia Zoo spokesperson, via Buzzfeed News.
According to his daughter, Bindi Irwin, the
elephant hospital is just one of many projects
they’ve continued in honor of Steve’s “legacy.”.
We have projects all over the planet about that
he was so passionate about that we’ve continued.
Helping rhinos and cheetahs in Africa, tigers
in Sumatra — it’s so important for us to continue
Dad’s legacy and what he loved the most,
which was wildlife conservation, Bindi Irwin, via Buzzfeed News