Turkish military launches operation into northeast Syria: Erdogan

  • 5 years ago
Our top story this morning...
Turkey has launched a ground offensive in northeastern Syria...just hours after deploying warplanes and artillery to territories held by Kurdish forces.
The international community has slammed the Turkish aggression, including other countries in the region, the UN as well as European nations.
For more on this, let's turn to our Kim Da-mi.
Da-mi, Turkey had been telegraphing this offensive for days, but we can now say for sure that it's underway...
Right Mark, Turkish officials confirmed its troops have now entered the area "east of the Euphrates."
Based on video footage, civilians fled border towns filled with smoke and visible jet trails in the sky.
At least 15 people, including 8 civilians have been killed so far, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the operation is to create a "safe zone" without Kurdish forces...which will also shelter Syrian refugees.
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces earlier vowed to resist any Turkish advance.
President Trump on Wednesday called the Turkish offensive "a bad idea" after essentially giving the invasion the green light following his abrupt decision to pull U.S. forces out of that part of Syria.
That decision sparked a storm of criticism at home and abroad.
While the UN Security Council will meet on Thursday to address Turkey's military operation,...European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker pressed Turkey to halt its military actions.
The international community, including France, Germany and the UK, also called Turkey's operation an act of "jeopardizing security and humanitarian efforts."
Back to you, Mark.


