Cloudy weather in the forecast

  • 5 years ago
It's very difficult to find the right clothes to wear as the fluctuations in temperature are huge these days.
That's right,... the air feels different as soon as the sun sets.
For more details, let's turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center, Michelle?
The nation stayed under clear skies with fine dust concentration at a moderate level.
However, various parts of the city are expected to see some fog and temperatures will drop fast into the night.
Tomorrow is going to be cloudier than today and the temperature will not drop significantly for the time being,... staying over the average temperature for the time of year by 2 to 3 degrees.
The country will have a warmer start to the day tomorrow.
Seoul begins at 12 degrees Celsius, Daejeon and Daegu make it into the teens, while Busan and Jeju are slightly higher at 14 and 15 degrees respectively.
Checking out our daytime highs,...
The mercury will rise to about 10 degrees,... Seoul, Busan and Jeju marking 22 degrees Celsius.
Fine autumn weather is in store for us,... in fact, the cloudy skies will brighten up into the weekend.
The temperature will fluctuate by around 10 degrees, but the daytime is expected to stay mild in the twenties.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.