Acharya Prashant on Shri Ashtavakra: What is stillness of mind?

  • 5 years ago
Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking at The Myth Demolition Tour on 5th May 2016, Dharamshala, Himanchal Pradesh, India.

सुखे दुःखे नरे नार्यां संपत्सु विपत्सु च।
विशेषो नैव धीरस्य सर्वत्र समदर्शिनः॥१७- १५॥

For the one of still mind, for the one of equanimous vision,
there is no difference between pleasure and pain,
man and woman, good luck and bad luck,
circumstantial happiness and circumstantial sadness.

Ashtavakra Gita,
Chapter 17, Verse 15


