People say food increase in Buenos Aires 1992

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Survey increase in family basket prices. Report to the market holder in vegetables: -How are the prices because now also in March they continue to rise as in February? Image of the market with sale of vegetables and fruits. Posters with prices. Journalistic note in the municipal market of Palermo. Report to a storekeeper in storage: -How is prices maintained in this month or have they increased in relation to February? -What things went up for example? Image shelf with merchandise (Yerba, Oil, Flour, Mineral Water, Rice, Tomato in Bottles and other products) People's opinion: -How do you find the prices these days, do they go up, are they kept? -What do you usually buy? -When you come to the store you find different prices? Image woman at cash register. Merchant report: -How are prices going this March, did they go up or not? - Is there nothing that has come down? Report to women in cleaning supplies: -How are the prices in relation to last month, did the cleaning products go up or not? - It is said that it will do the inflation index of this month or so? - And the products, for example, such as detergents, lavandines for fear of cholera also rose in price or not? - More than 2 percent or at that level? - Was there something that would lower the price in relation to the month of February or not? Image shelving with cleaning products. Image woman buying in cold cuts: - Madam, do dairy products go up or are they the same as last month? Opinion of a butcher. Image refrigerator with cuts of meat and achuras. Butcher bagging heavy cuts. Opinion of woman in polleria. Image refrigerator with chickens and egg trays. (Roberto Adrian Maidana)
Date: 3/23/1992
Duration: 13 minutes 28 seconds
Code: V-00744

Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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