Justice Party chief calls for end to two-party centered politics in Korea

  • 5 years ago
Minor opposition Justice Party chief Sim Sang-jeung called for a political reform that puts an end to the two-party centered politics in Korea.
During her policy speech at the National Assembly on Thursday, Sim said that though there are several political parties in Korea, for the past 30 years, two large parties have dominated parliamentary affairs with their ongoing clashes, and now, is time to put a stop to that.
She said that in order to do so, parliament should push through with an electoral reform that could systematize governance through a multiparty system.
She also stressed that parliament should work to gain back the trust of the public, by suggesting a cut in lawmakers' expenditures, and the reduction of its staff.
On the Moon Jae-in administration, Sim expressed disappointment over the results of the government's reform plans, calling for the administration to keep its initial promises to create a fair and just country.