PageKite localhost tunelling vs No-IP dynamic DNS - Publish your game-web-SSH servers

  • 5 years ago

[00:05] For the old days, to make a web server, for example, is available to access via the Internet, you have to deploy DDNS through supported ISP router.
That requires you have at least one public dynamic IP address and administrator credentials to access the management interface at

[00:14] "Normally if you want to visit your home web server from outside, you need to set up dynamic DNS because your ISP doesn't give you a static public IP address. But some ISPs in the world don't even assign a dynamic public IP address to each subscriber. Many subscribers share a single public IP address. In this scenario, dynamic DNS won't work and that's where PageKite comes in" -

With pagekite, you have your own dedicated IP address that can be claimed at the time you run the back-end Python script. With tunneled reverse proxy that can bypass NATs, firewalls so your local web servers/SSH servers or even IP-cameras can be accessed publicly through the Internet.
This is impossible if you are using a shared WiFi network or a 4G-5G LTE dongle, so this is the key different versus No-IP.

[00:54] [ Dynamic DNS solution makes it easy to remote access any internet connected device ]

[01:04] With proper router configuration in conjunction with No-IP, you can remote access your router, IP-cameras, smart home IoT devices on the fly!

[01:09] How do you No-IP at home?
"No-IP helps me remote access my home security cameras while I am away to ensure that my house is safe"

[01:21] Both pagekite and No-IP provide free subdomain names with the capacity of CNAME to custom domains, so you can enjoy the free plan without paying a penny.
To integrating with your own top-level domain name, upgrade to their premium plan with an affordable domain at ProfitServer:

[02:14] [ PageKite - the fast, reliable localhost tunneling solution ]

[02:19] Fast, reliable, secure: make your localhost part of the Web.
Since 2010, PageKite has led the way in making local servers public. With relays on four continents, it works with any computer, any web server and any Internet connection.

PageKite makes essential services are available by default: HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, TCP-based ports, firewalls that you have to do by yourself with No-IP: port forwarding, firewall opening, etc.
Furthermore, PageKite secures communications with wild-card relay certs or end-to-end TLS, that push privacy and security of your servers into a new level.
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and feel free to ask me questions or discuss with everyone :3
