
  • 5 years ago
"한일 국방장관, 이달중순 태국서 회담 최종 조율중"교도

South Korea and Japan are finalizing plans to hold talks between their defense ministers when they're in Thailand early next week for the ASEAN Defense and Security meeting.
South Korea's Defense Ministry says defense minister Jeong Kyeong-doo (정경두) and Japan's Taro Kono are making final preparations for a meeting sometime between November 16th to 19th.
However, it stressed the meeting is not confirmed yet.
Tokyo-based Kyodo News reports Kono will ask Jeong to withdraw South Korea's plan to terminate GSOMIA, a military intelligence-sharing pact between the two countries.
If Seoul doesn't announce a U-turn, GSOMIA will lapse on November 23rd.
If the meeting does happen, it would be the first time since October 2018 that the defense ministers of South Korea and Japan have held a face-to-face.